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The Multinational Academic Program for Study Abroad makes innovative language immersion programs accessible to students nationwide by providing affordable credit-bearing opportunities for independent, international language study at the college level.
The immersion language experiences provided through this program are an economical means for students to experience valuable language and cultural immersion programs that meet college-level rigor and form a sound basis for more advanced study of the language.
Participants have the opportunity to earn undergraduate language credit from Brookhaven College while participating in intensive study at the following locations:
Select below your Portuguese language experience in the location which is best for you..
Students may schedule their study/vacation for any time of the year when language instruction is offered and may receive between three and 17 semester hours of language credit per fall, spring or summer study abroad term.
The number of credits a student is seeking determines the minimum number of weeks the student must study in order to meet one of the requirements for credit – generally, successful completion of at least one week of intensive language study per credit hour requested.

For more detailed information on how to obtain credit for your language vacation abroad
click here
